Energy logging service – peak power usage, energy load profile and power quality.

The “Energy logging service”, includes the following:

  • Meter installation on-site by a qualified electrician
  • Energy logging for one week
  • Meter removal
  • An email with raw data
  • An email with meter data analysis in Excel

R2,500.00 Incl. VAT

Energy logging for energy efficiency

Investing in energy logging services for energy efficiency optimisation purposes has several advantages.

Identify opportunities for energy savings

Know the amount of electricity used.

Know where and when energy are being wasted.

Identify highest return energy usage optimisation interventions.

Energy logging for backup power and renewable energy

Planning to install backup power or renewable energy? Start by investing in energy logging services.

Determine the size of the inverter or generator that are required for backup power.

Determine the amount of energy storage required for your required backup time.

Determine if the grid power is in an acceptable range for grid-tied inverters to work, for example, voltage fluctuations.

Identification of potential savings generated by solar power systems.

Energy logging for verification of electricity bills

  • If you suspect that you are not being billed accurately for the electricity you are using.
  • Identify if energy usage per month corresponds to electricity bills.
  • Identify if peak demand charges are accurate.

Download sample data

To download an example of what the raw data from the meter looks like, click here.

What aspects will be logged

  • Date&time
  • Voltage(V), Voltage harmonics: UTHD(%)
  • Current(A), Current harmonics: ,ITHD (%), ITHD3(%),ITHD5(%), ITHD7(%), ITHD11(%), ITHD13(%),
    ITHD3(A), ITHD5(A), ITHD7(A), ITHD11(A), ITHD13(A)
  • Frequency(Hz)
  • PF(power factor)
  • Active Power(W)
  • Reactive Power(Var)
  • Apparent Power(Va)
  • Active Energy(Wh)
  • Reactive Energy(Varh)
  • Apparent Energy(Vah)
  • Current Demand(A)
  • Current Peak Demand(A)
  • Total Active Power Demand(W)
  • Total Active Power Peak Demand(W)
  • Total Reactive Power Demand(W)
  • Total Reactive Power Peak Demand(W)
  • Total Apparent Power Demand(W)

Screenshots of the data analysis tables and graphs in Excel.

Identify energy savings with our power and energy logging service

Electrical power usage is changing constantly. This means loads on the electricity network are changing, resulting in energy waste. Discovering the source of this waste enables you to develop strategies to reduce the waste. With three phase power and energy loggers you can find out where and when you are consuming power and put actions in place that ensure you’re using your energy efficiently. By continuously visually presenting power and energy usage, we can help you quickly and easily identify savings opportunities, providing a rapid return on your investment.

Power and energy logging explained

When a piece of equipment is operated it instantaneously consumes a specific amount of power in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW). This power is accumulated over the operating time and expressed as energy consumed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Energy is what your electric utility charges for; there will be a standard charge from the utility per kilowatt hour. Utilities may have other additional charges, such as peak demand, which is the maximum power demand over a defined period of time, often 15 or 30 minutes.

There may also be power factor charges, which are based on the effects of the inductive or capacitive loads in the facility. Optimizing peak demand and power factor often result in lower monthly electricity bills. The GES ME435 Three Phase Electrical Energy loggers have the capability to measure and characterize these effects enabling you to analyze the results and save money.

Energy logging for energy efficiency

Investing in energy logging services for energy efficiency optimisation purposes has several advantages.

Identify opportunities for energy savings

Know the amount of electricity used.

Know where and when energy are being wasted.

Identify highest return energy usage optimisation interventions.

Energy logging for backup power and renewable energy

Planning to install backup power or renewable energy? Start by investing in energy logging services.

Determine the size of the inverter or generator that are required for backup power.

Determine the amount of energy storage required for your required backup time.

Determine if the grid power is in an acceptable range for grid-tied inverters to work, for example, voltage fluctuations.

Identification of potential savings generated by solar power systems.

Energy logging for verification of electricity bills

  • If you suspect that you are not being billed accurately for the electricity you are using.
  • Identify if energy usage per month corresponds to electricity bills.
  • Identify if peak demand charges are accurate.

Download sample data

To download an example of what the raw data from the meter looks like, click here.

What aspects will be logged

  • Date&time
  • Voltage(V), Voltage harmonics: UTHD(%)
  • Current(A), Current harmonics: ,ITHD (%), ITHD3(%),ITHD5(%), ITHD7(%), ITHD11(%), ITHD13(%),
    ITHD3(A), ITHD5(A), ITHD7(A), ITHD11(A), ITHD13(A)
  • Frequency(Hz)
  • PF(power factor)
  • Active Power(W)
  • Reactive Power(Var)
  • Apparent Power(Va)
  • Active Energy(Wh)
  • Reactive Energy(Varh)
  • Apparent Energy(Vah)
  • Current Demand(A)
  • Current Peak Demand(A)
  • Total Active Power Demand(W)
  • Total Active Power Peak Demand(W)
  • Total Reactive Power Demand(W)
  • Total Reactive Power Peak Demand(W)
  • Total Apparent Power Demand(W)

Screenshots of the data analysis tables and graphs in Excel.

Identify energy savings with our power and energy logging service

Electrical power usage is changing constantly. This means loads on the electricity network are changing, resulting in energy waste. Discovering the source of this waste enables you to develop strategies to reduce the waste. With three phase power and energy loggers you can find out where and when you are consuming power and put actions in place that ensure you’re using your energy efficiently. By continuously visually presenting power and energy usage, we can help you quickly and easily identify savings opportunities, providing a rapid return on your investment.

Power and energy logging explained

When a piece of equipment is operated it instantaneously consumes a specific amount of power in watts (W) or kilowatts (kW). This power is accumulated over the operating time and expressed as energy consumed in kilowatt hours (kWh). Energy is what your electric utility charges for; there will be a standard charge from the utility per kilowatt hour. Utilities may have other additional charges, such as peak demand, which is the maximum power demand over a defined period of time, often 15 or 30 minutes.

There may also be power factor charges, which are based on the effects of the inductive or capacitive loads in the facility. Optimizing peak demand and power factor often result in lower monthly electricity bills. The GES ME435 Three Phase Electrical Energy loggers have the capability to measure and characterize these effects enabling you to analyze the results and save money.

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