Install this meter and log a building’s energy for a period of time for example an hour, a week, or one month to get all the data you need.
This handheld three-phase power quality analyser uses external Rogowski coils and voltage-sensing clamps. The flexible Rogowski coils are very easy to install, unlike large CTs. The coils can easily be opened and closed, so no need to disconnect any wires. The voltage-sensing clamps can easily be clamped on, so no need to switch off power. In other words, the meter can easily be installed without any power interruptions.
Johann Fritz –
Great product, it does what it should. The coils are really easy to install.
Dante Beyers (verified owner) –
Does as advertised. Very useful.
The product arrived in a timely fashion and we immediately put it to work to monitor power usage for a client.
It has been very helpful for us to determine the maximum loads for commercial clients to install backup and solar systems.
5 Stars, would recommend to anyone.
Gert Snyman (verified owner) –
Power supply.
Hi, I tested the product and the results are good for what is am looking for. it is only the battery lifetime that is a problem.
Some of my sites need more time measuring.
Johann Fritz –
Hi Gert. Thank you for your review. The 4 x AA batteries only last 48 hours, if you need more time, please supply the meter with power from a plug in USB power supply or an external power bank.